Disease Incidence Model® predicts and benchmarks the incidence of disease in a covered population. Based on any age/sex distribution, its reports show:
- Which diseases are likely to be most prevalent and most costly for this patient population;
What's unusual in expected disease incidence and costs for this population; and
Whether costs for each disease are being driven by high-cost individual cases or high incidence.
Plan Medical Directors use this information to:
Cut Medical Costs. Prioritize and direct disease management and case management efforts for greatest impact;
Avoid Contract Disasters. Assess proposed premiums based on the strength of network in handling anticipated disease patterns in the group to be covered;
Anticipate Cost Problems. Identify where medical costs may be especially vulnerable to costly new drugs and therapies;
Simplify Compliance. Comply with NCQA and employer coalition mandates for risk assessment;
Strengthen Provider Networks. Plan physician and professional staffing based on expected disease patterns;
Support Troubled Providers. Assist financially ailing medical groups by identifying and assisting with key medical issues in their member populations;
Set Appropriate Targets. Establish realistic and appropriate incentive and bonus targets;
Compare Actual to Expected Incidence and Costs. Identify possible undertreatment/ overtreatment and inadequate reporting; eliminate cost variances based on selection to focus on genuine medical management issues.
Health Plan Sales Executives use this information to:
Win Contracts. Distinguish bids for large contracts by identifying and tailoring programs for an employer's specific population;
Avoid Contract Disasters. Involve Medical Director in assessing strength of the plan's network in handling anticipated disease patterns before locking in large contract bids;
Adjust for Regional Variations. Identify differences in employee medical needs in various locations and develop programs and cost-management strategies for each area;
Improve Customer Satisfaction. Show large employers the disease patterns you expect from their members and demonstrate your commitment to meeting their specific needs;
Commit to Quality. Compare actual to expected costs for each disease and demonstrate your commitment to improving quality of care.
For more information and a sample report, contact Strategic Health Resources® at (818) 952-5130.