To View the
Disease Incidence
The Disease Incidence Model® predicts and benchmarks the incidence of disease in a population. Based on any age/sex distribution, its reports show:
  • • Which diseases are likely to be most prevalent and most costly for this patient population;

    • What's unusual in expected disease incidence and costs for this population; and

    • Whether costs for each disease are being driven by high-cost individual cases or high incidence.

Disease Management companies use this information to:

  • Win Contracts. Show prospective clients the likely prevalence and cost of your diseases in their membership;

  • Simplify Cost-Benefit Projections. Quantify the impact of your programs for a prospective client without relying on costly, time-consuming downloads of client data of unknown accuracy;

  • Qualify Sales Leads. Determine the likely importance of your diseases in a prospective client's membership before investing in the sales process;

  • Identify Potential Customers. Use publicly available data to identify health plans that are likely to be experiencing unusually high costs in your diseases;

  • Distinguish DM and CM Targets. Show the value of disease management vs. case management approaches for your diseases;

    Demonstrate Results. Compare actual to expected costs for your diseases and show the value of your programs independent of changes in the covered population.

For more information and a sample report, call Strategic Health Resources® at (818) 952-5130.




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